ACTA und warum wir uns mit "intellectual Property" beschäftigen müssen.

Was ist ACTA?

Das Anti-Counterfeiting-Trade Agreement

Oder: das als Handelsabkommen getarnte internationale Abkommen, welches darauf abziehlt gemeinsame "Standards" im Umgang mit "geistigem Eigentum" zu schaffen

Welche Bereiche werden von ACTA behandelt

Beispiel Patentrecht - Generika

Beispiel Patent/Urheberrecht - Saatgut

von Flickr user Richardthomas78

Internationale Kooperation

Wie kam ACTA zustande?

What the EC asked for: What the EC got:
Transparency Some transparency for US companies, but nothing meaningful for European citizens and businesses.
Transparency EU Presidency actively choosing not to brief EU Member States.
No mandatory enforcement of intellectual property law by ISPs Mandatory obligations on states party to ACTA to encourage enforcement of intellectual property law by ISPs.
No change to substantive copyright law A further complication of EU law on copyright exceptions and limitations.
Prioritisation of health and safety issues in international cooperation Nothing.

Adequate environmental protection in the disposal of seized material

A "safeguard" which creates no change to the status quo. In essence, nothing

Definitions of key terms in ACTA

Protection for geographical indications Nothing[1]

Welche Maßnahmen sieht ACTA vor?

Counterlobbying und dessen Erfolge

Erste Proteste in Polen ...

... und die Reaktion der polnischen Grünen

Die Entschuldigung der slowenischen Botschafterin ...

Adaptiert von Wikipedia

EU Kommitees

Alle 3 ACTA behandelden EU Komitees ITRE (Industry, Research and Energy), JURI (Legal Affairs), LIBE (Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) empfehlen die Ablehnung

... Noting that effective enforcement of intellectual property rights is critical to sustaining economic growth across all industries and globally ... - ACTA Given the importance of intellectual property rights (IPR) to stimulating job and economic growth, we affirm the significance of high standards for IPR protection and enforcement .. - G8 - Camp David Declaration 2012
From QuestionCopyright


Stop ACTA: 9.6, Christian-Broda-Platz, 14h

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